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FIDELIO SRL: Summary statement of financing received with public intervention and non-repayable grants

Funding No. 1

Year 2020

Artigiancassa bank/body

Original amount thousands of euro 10000 €

Facilitation type 0-rate financing

Disbursing agency and type REGIONAL FUNDING LAZIO.

FInancing No. 2

Year 2020

Bank/body MPS

Original amount in thousands of € 30000

Facilitation type 100% direct guarantee

Lending institution and MCC type

FInancing No. 3

Year 2020

Bank/body Internal Revenue Service

Original amount thousands of euro 2000 €

Facilitation type grant

Disbursing agency and type Revenue agency Contribution covid ex art. 2 dl 149/2020

FInancing No. 4

Year 2020

Intesa bank/body

Original amount thousands of euro 220000 €

Facilitation type direct guarantee 90%

Lending institution and MCC type

FInancing No. 5

Year 2021

Intesa bank/body

Original amount thousands of euro 900000

Facilitation type direct guarantee 90%

Lending institution and MCC type

FInancing No. 6

Year 2021

Bank/body BCC-Bari

Original amount thousands of euro 150000

Facilitation type direct guarantee 90%

Lending institution and MCC type

FInancing No. 7

Year 2021

Bank/body Internal Revenue Service

Original amount thousands of euro 24912 €

Facilitation type grant

Disbursing agency and type Revenue agency Contribution covid ex art 1 DL 41/2021

FInancing No. 8

Year 2020

Bank/body Region Emilia-Romagna

Original amount thousands of euro 40400 €

Facilitation type grant

Provider and type Determination 22346 dated 14/12/2020

FInancing No. 9

Year 2022

Bank/body Ministry of Culture

Original amount thousands of euro 20000

Facilitation type Special live performance events grant to be valid for fiscal year 2022 under Art. 44 paragraph 2 et seq.

Disbursing agency and type DDG 23/03/2022 nr. 78 Directorate General Live Entertainment MIC

yearbankoperation amount           E.S.L. total per yearnotes
2020Fare Lazio Art.Cassafin rate 0        10.000,00                    1.302,29    
2020UnderstandingCon gar MCC 90% financing     220.000,00                    1.480,13 09-Oct-20  
2020mps (Ostia)Financing With gar MCC 100%        30.000,00                                     -    Nov 27, 2020  
2021BCC BariAnicipo Invoices with gar MCC 90%     150.000,00                    1.010,03 28-May-21  
2021understandingAdvance Contract with gar MCC 90%     900.000,00                    6.060,19 25-May-21  
2022BCC BariContract advance with gar MCC 80%     450.000,00                    1.614,19   extinct 23
2023Announcement Tocc Digital Transition        20.800,00                 20.800,00 question Jan 23 to be reported
2023Tooc announcementEcological Transition        72.106,98                 72.106,98 question oct 23 to be reported
2023MPS BariFinancing with gar MCC 80%     250.000,00                 20.098,25 27-Oct-23  
2023CCIAA ROMECALL FOR DIGITAL VOUCHERS           9.800,00                    9.800,00 Conces. nov 23 to be reported